Help Us End Puppy Mills
For every purchase, Flush Doggy will donate 10% to the ASPCA for fighting against puppy mills.We do not sell our products at stores that sell puppies. Doggies give us their unconditional love and now is time for us to give something back. Please spread the words for us and help both our environment and those pets waiting to be rescued.
"We Wish One Day No More Pets Will Be Sold At Pet Stores"
"9 out of 10 puppies at pet stores are from puppy mills."
"Each year, it's estimated that more than one million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States, simply because too many pets come into shelters and too few people consider adoption when looking for a pet."
Warning From ASPCA:
DO NOT Buy Pets From Pet Stores

What is Pupy Mills?
Puppy mills are nothing new. These mass dog-breeding operations have been around for decades. They continue to thrive because they prey on unwitting consumers who are smitten by too-cute-for-words puppies in pet store windows and on fancy websites.
But behind the friendly facade of the local pet shop, the pastoral scenes on a "breeder's" website, or the neighborhood newspaper ad, there often lies a puppy mill. These canine breeding facilities house dogs in shockingly poor conditions.
Life is particularly bad for "breeding stock," dogs who live their entire lives in cages and are continually bred for years, without human companionship and with little hope of ever becoming part of a family. These dogs receive little or no veterinary care and never see a bed, a treat or a toy. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are commonly killed, abandoned or sold to another mill. The annual result of all this breeding is hundreds of thousands of puppies, many with behavior and/or health problems.

Tips and resources for finding a canine companion
It is important to be aware that puppy mill puppies are often sold through the internet, newspaper ads, brokers and dealers. Puppy mills also sell puppies directly to the public too, often putting forth the appearance of a reputable breeder.
Did you know that most pet stores purchase their puppies from puppy mills? Their motive is purely monetary -- higher profits. These stores want "product" in volume for the lowest price possible and that's what puppy mills are in business to provide. Pet stores also bank on the relationship between families and their new puppies being so strong that puppies who begin to exhibit health or behavioral problems will not be returned. Wanting to "rescue" a puppy from its cage at the pet store only reinforces the cycle of supply and demand that keeps puppy mills profitable.
Reputable Breeder or Puppy Mill?
Reputable breeders have a deep interest in where their puppies go and will interview hopeful buyers before a sale is completed. Reputable breeders will not sell their dogs in any way that does not permit them to have interaction with potential buyers. Their desire is to ensure that the puppies are a good match for families and that every puppy will go to a responsible, loving, forever home.
In contrast, puppy mills are commercial enterprises which breed dogs in significant numbers for profit. While puppy mills are not inherently illegal, their operators consider their dogs only as a commodity, as income-producing machines. Maximization of profit is the primary goal. This allows for no screening of genetic problems, and veterinary care is minimal or nonexistent. Provisions for the comfort and well being of the dogs are regarded as expenses kept to an absolute minimum. Dogs not on display for potential buyers are kept in cramped wire cages twenty-four hours a day, often unprotected from the elements.
Finding a Reputable Breeder
Ways to locate reputable breeders include:
- asking your veterinarian or professional dog trainer for a referral
- contacting local breed clubs
- attending dog shows
Remember that reputable breeders:
- specialize in only one or two breeds of dogs and are knowledgeable about breed standards and potential breed-specific genetic problems
- often keep the dogs in the home as part of the family and will welcome you to see where the dogs spend most of their time
- encourage you to spend time with the puppy's parents (at a minimum, the mother) and encourage multiple visits prior to taking the puppy home
- want your entire family to meet the puppy and discuss care and "rules" for the household
- have a strong relationship with a veterinarian and will provide documentation of the puppy's vet visits and medical history
- provide a written contract and health guarantee, and ask you to sign a contract stating that you will return the dog to the breeder should you be unable to keep the dog at any point during its lifetime
- understand healthy breeding patterns for the females, so puppies are not always available
- maintain a list of people interested in the next available litter
Thinking of adding a dog to your family? Please consider adoption. Countless wonderful yet abandoned dogs of all ages and breeds are in shelters or with rescue organizations across the country waiting, hoping for another chance at a happy life.
Please, above all, avoid putting money into the puppy mill system that perpetuates so much misery for dogs.
A Pet's 10 Wishes
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so. ALWAYS!
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